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The suspect in the murder of 14-year-old Vanessa admitted to raping her :

On Saturday November 19, a 31-year-old man, suspected of kidnapping and killing 14-year-old teen Vanessa on Friday 18 in Tonneins (Lot-de-Garonne)also admitted to rapping her according to a source close to the investigation.


Arrested the same day of the crime, during the evening in his home, the one who brought the investigators to the body of the teenager, hidden in an abandoned house, was transferred onSunday afternoon from the Marmande gendarmerie to the courthouse in Agen, to be presented to the examining magistrate in charge of the investigation. The man was indicted for "kidnapping, forcible confinement, rape and murder of a minor" and imprisoned in the process.


According to sources close to the investigation, the victim was strangled but on Sunday 19 the Agen prosecutor Olivier Naboulet refused to mention a procedure before the autopsy of the body was performed. He also did not say if the teenager had suffered assaults of a sexual nature, awaiting “further forensic investigations”.


Vanesa disappeared on Friday afternoon on her way home from college. Her parents gave the alert at around 6:45 p.m. Thanks to the exploitation of the CCTV in Tonneins, the police knocked on the door of the suspect four hours later. He quickly confessed to the murder of the teenager.


The suspect recently became a father.

Still according to the journal Sud Ouest, the suspect, a native of Seine-Maritime and socially integrated, lived in Marmandewith his partner, mother of a 5-year-old child, and a baby they had together.


Olivier Naboulet had revealed on Saturday that the alleged murderer had already been sentenced to fifteen days' imprisonment with a suspended sentence of two years' probation for acts of sexual assault on minors dating back to 2006, when he was 15 years old.




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