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Labor union of cargo truck go on strike

 Labor union of cargo truck go on strike

Yeonseong / 11-24-2022

picture of cargo union's strike

 From November 24th, Labor union of cargo truck go on strike. The strike started at 10:00 a.m in 16 regions nationwide.

 They union said 'Cargo workers who work 12+ hours a day, 24/7, can no longer move trucks using their death as fuel’

 The government counted around 10,000 people participated in strike. And government says because of this strike, container imports and exports decreased by 60% compared to normal.

 There's no nationwide damages yet, but the government announced that they are considering about commencement order if this issue continues long time.

 But there was a direct damage in cement industry.

 At cement factories, cement trailers stopped operation and cement shipments were suspended.

 The Korea Cement Association says, about 190,000 tons of cement shipments delayed in 24th. Considering the cement price is 100,000 won per ton, about 19 billion won damaged.

The construction, and steel industry is also in a difficult situation.



- Government criticized the Strike

 The government criticized is as 'a very selfish act without any justification’

 If a transport company or workers refuse to transport cargo without any justifiable grounds, and causing a crisis to the national economy, the government can order to commence their works.

 If they refuse to work without any justifiable grounds, they will be punished by imprisonment or fine, and their license of freight forwarder will be revoked.

 In response, the Cargo union said 'The government's Commencement order violated the Intermational Labor Organization Convention.


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